

What should be ready for everyone who enters the show business?

Now I want to talk about something that everyone will inevitably face, who decided to start promoting their music project and what they need to be prepared in order to avoid all sorts of problems later.

  1. You need to be prepared for a large amount of work

In any case, no matter what type of music project you have, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly and much work on its development and promotion in order to succeed.

Please answer me, first of all, with the following questions:

  • Are you ready to work hard on your project?
  • Are you willing to spend a few hours every day?
  • Are you ready to work every day, every day?
  • Are you ready to sacrifice most of your free time, for the sake of your project?
  • Are you ready to work for a long time without getting instant feedback?

Well, if your answer to all the questions is affirmative, then this is already very good. But if the answer is “no” to at least one of these questions, then one should seriously think: but can you survive and bring the whole thing to the end? Do you have the strength and patience? Think about it.

Remember that you can start work on the promotion of a musical project only when all these questions you can answer in the affirmative.

You ask: “So what happens? First it says that you need to plow like a horse, and then that life will not be a continuous job? “.

Well, naturally, you will have more work. Undoubtedly. But that the work on the music project does not take you all the rest of the time apart from personal life, study and basic work at first, work on the project will need to be properly planned. And I’ll talk more about this later.

Just think about how busy any famous artist: constant performances, work in the studio, shooting, tours, press conferences, interviews … What, this person does not know anything in life except his work? Of course not. He has a personal life, he is entertained, communicates with friends, rests, travels, etc. Yes, he works a lot, but lives a full life.

  1. You need to be prepared for stress

Show business, like any other business, generates a lot of stressful situations, which you will encounter constantly and especially often – at first.

If you are lucky and from birth you are a person who is really stress-resistant, that is, you can easily endure difficulties (which, believe me, is a rarity) is a huge plus. But in any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the difficulties and problems on the road to success will be you without fail.

If you really want to succeed, you should be prepared for any difficulties that will necessarily arise in your path and in no case should you retreat and surrender.

In fact, most of the musical projects do not become successful precisely because they simply die when faced with some or other obstacles. The weakest give up because someone called their song shit, who is stronger – due to the fact that their debut album failed.

Yes, undoubtedly, it’s hard not to give up when, for example, you persistently made an album for a year, invested money, time and effort into it, and as a result, the public took it very cool, which resulted in an almost complete lack of profit and the expected glory. But even with such, already really noticeable difficulties, you still cannot give up.

Set yourself just a goal not to surrender at all, no matter what difficulties and problems you have. To move only forward and with the belief in success!

  1. You need to be prepared for a lot of contacts

If you want to succeed in show business, you will need to get connections in large numbers from the very beginning and constantly maintain these links.

Any successful artist or entrepreneur always has a lot of connections and different acquaintances.

If you plan to break through on your own or only with those who are part of your musical project, that is, for example, with your group, then you are unlikely to get serious results, and most likely, nothing really will work out.

Okay, now let’s examine what I mean by “connections”. I mean under the connections the presence of a large number of people whom you know, and who know you.

It can be people of different specialties, ages and social statuses. It can be musicians, producers, sound producers, designers, sellers of musical instruments, promoters, owners of concert venues, and in general, anyone.

The main thing is that these people are potentially useful for you.

For example, getting acquainted with a club administrator can be useful, since it can help with the organization of your performance in this club. The designer can, for example, make the design of the cover of the album at a discount, if you are his good friend. And so on. There can be many examples.

At the same time, from acquaintance with the plumber or the seller of aquarium fish, you are unlikely to gain any benefit.

Therefore, you should get acquainted with exactly those people who in the future can provide you with some help in working with a musical project.

Now let’s talk about what you need to be ready for.

If you are determined to seriously promote your project, then you need to be prepared for the following:

You will have to constantly acquire new connections, up to the fact that every day to get acquainted with new people.

You will need to have hundreds of contacts, hundreds of acquaintances (and even more).

You will need to keep in touch with all your friends on a regular basis.

In fact, it’s not so difficult. Everything is solved by competent planning of maintaining ties and setting priorities.

All your business contacts (that is, everything except relatives, friends and relatives) should be divided into groups in importance. In the end, it turns out that hundreds of acquaintances will be no more than a few dozen, with whom you will communicate more or less regularly. With all the rest you will only communicate periodically to maintain a relationship.

When maintaining relationships, the occasion for communication is not necessary. You can congratulate a person on a holiday, tell him interesting news for him, or find out how things are. But a person will not forget about you and if you contact him for help, he will not ask who you are.

The main thing, remember that you will need:

  • Regularly, it is better to get acquainted with new people every day.
  • Strive to have as many acquaintances as possible.
  • Systematically maintain relationships with all.

I repeat that the presence of links is everything. Communicate with people regularly, better live, but if there is no possibility, then you can and by phone or in social networks.

Do not be shy. If suddenly something was required – do not be afraid to ask friends for help. And if you have hundreds of acquaintances, and you have good relations with them, then it is obvious that one of them will definitely help you.

Also, when making acquaintances, remember that perhaps the person you are acquainted with may also need something from you, so you need to be always ready and not refuse help if you are able to provide it.

And in conclusion I want to remind you once again about the main thing:

Tune in to large amounts of work and begin to act.

Tune in to success, look at tomorrow with positive, be prepared for anything and do not give up, no matter what happens.

Straight from tomorrow, start making connections with people and replenishing your phone with contacts.

And that’s it, we’ll continue in the next article.

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