

Methodical recommendations for writing an essay

Time requires the education of an active person, who can not only find information, but also competently, coherently, logically, responsibly and clearly formulate his opinion on any issue. The most successful genre of written work, which promotes the development of creative abilities of students, is an essay. This kind of work is primarily aimed at activating educational and cognitive activity, developing creative potential of individuals and productive, critical thinking. Involving students in writing essays, the teacher develops their independent thinking, teaches clearly and competently to formulate their own thoughts, structure information, establish causal relationships, illustrate the concept by appropriate examples, improve the style of writing, etc. “Unlike other methods of control and verification of knowledge, the purpose of the essay is to diagnose a productive, creative component of cognitive activity, which involves the analysis of information, its interpretation, construction of reasoning, comparison of facts, approaches and alternatives, formulation of conclusions, personal assessment of the author, etc.”

Essay contributes to the development of students of social and emotional intelligence. For the transfer of personal perception of the world, the author of such a work can give examples, draw parallels, take analogies, use various associations, express imagination and imagination. The text may contain authorial reflections, lyric indents, descriptions, etc. An essay is more impressive if there are unexpected turns of thought and unpredictable conclusions.

Thus, an essay is a small volume prose piece that has an arbitrary composition and expresses an emphasis on the individual point of view of the author and impressions on a specific occasion or question and does not claim to be a comprehensive and decisive interpretation of the topic. The purpose of the essay, in contrast to the story, is the information or explanation, not a dramatic image or a translation of any life situation. Essay achieves its goal with the help of a direct author’s statement, which does not require the creation of either fictional characters, nor the plot that binds them. This is a work based on the creative approach of man to the disclosure of the problem set in the original text, which must be confirmed by arguments and facts.

As a genre of critique and journalism, the essay provides a new, subjectively painted statement about something and can have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular science, and fiction. His goal is to develop skills of independent creative thinking and writing of own thoughts.

The defining features of an essay, as a rule, are a small volume, a specific theme, given in the underlined subjective interpretation, arbitrary composition, unusual way of thinking. The style of the essay is figurative, aphoristic, using fresh metaphors, new poetic images, a conscious instruction in spoken intonation and vocabulary. At the forefront is the personality of the author.

Building an essay

Constructing an essay is a discovery of a theme based on the classical system of evidence. There are different thoughts about the composition itself. Some sources state that such a text is arbitrary in form. Some scholars insist on the presence of certain essential elements of the essay:

1) the introduction, in which it is necessary to substantiate the choice of the topic, correctly formulate the thesis;

2) the main part in which the deployment of the thought about the issue and the argumentation is given;

3) generalization of conclusions according to the topic.

Stages of work on an essay

  1. Choosing a theme and defining a problem.

Pay attention to the exact wording of the subject essay, which is usually formulated in such a way that it provides for not one “correct” answer, but several solutions. Identifying the problem and its solution is the main content of the essay.

Before writing an essay, think about its structure and content. The easiest way to do this is by asking yourself a few questions about the subject. Formulating responses to them will help in writing the main part. Try to immediately determine the stylistics of your future story.

  1. Selection of material

Once the topic becomes clear and the problem of the essay is formulated, it is necessary to spend time on the collection of material (books, articles, Internet resources) and its analysis.

Properly written essay requires a variety of rhetorical techniques.

It is recommended to use antitheses, repetitions, rhetorical questions, exclamations. In any case, using such means, you significantly increase the impact on the reader, but you need to use them appropriately and correctly.

  1. Work on a draft.

Work must begin with a draft, which allows you to work creatively. Write only on one side of it. Fields are required to make corrections and additions in the process of re-reading and editing the original text. On the back of the sheet there remains a place for the writing of quotations, examples specifying the idea, etc. It is imperative to check the structure: is there a logical connection between the paragraphs, or in a single style the work is written, or there is no unnecessary information. Essay should go short and concise. Avoid false emotions and superfluous words. Find a sincere tone, not very formal, but not too spoken. Add to the essay a sense of optimism.

  1. Writing an Essay.

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